Matty Dalrymple talks with Greta Boris and Megan Haskell about PLANNING A NOVEL. We discuss brainstorming, including planting the concept seeds, productive daydreaming, and feeding the subconscious; worldbuilding, including how much is too much, giving the characters (and readers) an anchor, and letting world-building inform your plot; standalone or series, including which makes more sense for writers depending on whether they are looking to build an indie career or looking for a traditional publishing deal; and the story bible, including using a story bible to build your fan base. Greta and Megan also discuss their Kickstarter, Foundations of Great Storytelling: Preparing to Write.
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Greta Boris is the USA Today Bestselling author of The Seven Deadly Sins Murders, a psychological suspense series, and The Mortician Murders, a paranormal cozy mystery series. She hails from sunny Southern California where—based on her books, which are all set there—things are darker than you'd expect. Her stories have been called atmospheric and un-put-down-able.
Megan Haskell is the award-winning author of The Sanyare Chronicles, an action-packed female-led fantasy adventure. Her other titles include the epic fantasy Forged in Shadow and the upcoming women’s contemporary fantasy, Aether Bound. A Southern California transplant, she’s living the dream of writing while raising her two daughters in Orange County.
Together, Greta and Megan founded The Author Wheel, a website dedicated to helping writers become authors and keep their stories rolling. With over twenty years of writing and publishing experience between them, they’ve made the mistakes so you don’t have to.