Michael La Ronn of Author Level Up discusses MAKING THE MOST OF IN-PERSON EVENTS. He talks about making the time investment worth it (and doing the math); managing your energy; ways to build connections; using an in-person event as a lead-in to other engagements; and the fact that professionalism is everything.
Do any of those topics pique your interest? Check out 2 MINUTES OF INDY https://bit.ly/2MinutesOfIndy, where over the week following the airing of the episode, you'll find brief video clips from the interview on each of those topics. You can also catch up on some highlights of previous episodes there.
Transcript and show notes at https://www.theindyauthor.com/podcast.html
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Michael La Ronn is the author of over forty science fiction & fantasy novels and self-help books for writers. He also runs the popular YouTube channel Author Level Up, where he publishes weekly advice videos for writers. Michael also serves on the staff of the Alliance of Independent Authors as a US Ambassador, and he co-hosts the AskAlli Member Q&A Podcast where he answers new writers’ most burning questions about self-publishing.
Kelly Simmons discusses WRITING FOR AUDIO. She talks about considerations for episodic content; defining goals for an audio project and measuring results against those goals; whether authors should narrate their own work; the physical and emotional costs of recording; and the fact that you don’t need to be a sound engineer to produce great audio content.
Do any of those topics pique your interest? Check out 2 MINUTES OF INDY https://bit.ly/2MinutesOfIndy, where over the week following the airing of the episode, you'll find brief video clips from the interview on each of those topics. You can also catch up on some highlights of previous episodes there.
Transcript and show notes at https://www.theindyauthor.com/podcast.html
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Kelly Simmons is a former journalist, an advertising creative director, and the author of the novels Standing Still, The Bird House, One More Day, The Fifth of July, Where She Went, and Not My Boy. She teaches in the Drexel University MFA program, and is a member of Women Fiction Writers Association, Tall Poppy Writers, and The Liars Club, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping fledgling novelists. Additionally, she co-helms the weekly writers podcast “Liars Club Oddcast.” And she was born the same day as Dorothy Parker. Coincidence? She thinks not.
J.W. Judge discusses MANAGING WRITING WITH A FULL-TIME CAREER. He talks about marketing for fiction versus non-fiction; creating the circumstances that will enable you to encounter your readers; the importance of not waiting for the time, but making it, and the discipline needed to do this; using a podcast to create a community; and giving yourself time to be bored.
Do any of those topics pique your interest? Check out 2 MINUTES OF INDY https://bit.ly/2MinutesOfIndy, where over the week following the airing of the episode, you'll find brief video clips from the interview on each of those topics. You can also catch up on some highlights of previous episodes there.
Transcript and show notes at https://www.theindyauthor.com/podcast.html
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J.W. Judge is a lawyer by day and a novelist in the early morning hours before the sun wakes all the other creatures. His writing is fueled by vivid dreams and an overactive imagination. He is the author of the dark fantasy trilogy “The Zauberi Chronicles.” His most recent book is “Write Your Novel One Day at a Time: How to Write a Novel While Having a Career, a Family, and a Life.”
John Gaspard talks about SPEECH TO TEXT AND BACK AGAIN. He discusses writing while walking (and how you’ll never get your best ideas on a treadmill); tips for easing the process; expectations of the content you’ll produce; opportunities for repurposing content; and the indy ability to experiment.
Do any of those topics pique your interest? Check out 2 MINUTES OF INDY https://bit.ly/2MinutesOfIndy, where over the week following the airing of the episode, you'll find brief video clips from the interview on each of those topics. You can also catch up on some highlights of previous episodes there.
Transcript and show notes at https://www.theindyauthor.com/podcast.html
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John Gaspard is author of the Eli Marks mystery series, the Como Lake Players mystery series, and four stand-alone novels. He hosts two podcasts: "Behind the Page: The Eli Marks Podcast," and "The Occasional Film Podcast.” John has directed six low-budget features that cost very little and made even. He's also written multiple books on the subject of low-budget filmmaking, and ironically, those books made more than the films. John lives in Minnesota and shares his home with his lovely wife, several greyhounds, a few cats, and a handful of pet allergies.
Kelsey Johnson of AWeber talks about REACHING THE RIGHT READERS THROUGH EMAIL. She discusses out of the box ideas for attracting subscribers; writing emails in the style of your books; not being embarrassed to sell your book; the easy rule for staying out of the spam folder; reasons not to use your personal email account; and setting a professional tone from the start.
Do any of those topics pique your interest? Check out 2 MINUTES OF INDY https://bit.ly/2MinutesOfIndy, where over the week following the airing of the episode, you'll find brief video clips from the interview on each of those topics. You can also catch up on some highlights of previous episodes there.
Transcript and show notes at https://www.theindyauthor.com/podcast.html
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Kelsey Johnson is the product marketing manager at AWeber, a tool for newsletters, email automation, landing pages, and more. She specializes in helping creators make more in sales in less time through the power of automation, effective subject lines and email copy, and landing page design, ultimately generating email copy that people actually want to read.
Alexa Bigwarfe talks about GETTING INTO THE MIND OF YOUR AUDIENCE. She discusses why marketing is such a hard sell for authors, and why it shouldn’t be; the art and science of marketing, and the importance of taking a holistic view; how social media is about being social; three key planning documents; and the importance of keeping an open mind.
Do any of those topics pique your interest? Check out 2 MINUTES OF INDY https://bit.ly/2MinutesOfIndy, where over the week following the airing of the episode, you'll find brief video clips from the interview on each of those topics. You can also catch up on some highlights of previous episodes there.
Transcript and links at https://www.theindyauthor.com/podcast.html
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Alexa Bigwarfe is a mother to 3 wildlings who keep her on her toes. She is an advocate, activist, speaker, author & author coach, publisher, and podcaster. Her writing career began after her infant daughter passed away at 2 days old and she turned to writing for healing. Since then, she has used her writing platform for advocacy and activism to support mothers, children, and marginalized voices. She began a nonprofit, Sunshine After the Storm, to support mothers in their most difficult time. She is the creator and co-host of the Lose the Cape podcast and has co-authored four volumes under the Lose the Cape brand. Her primary business is Write|Publish|Sell, a company dedicated to shepherding authors through the process of writing and publishing their books like a pro. She owns Kat Biggie Press, and a children’s book publishing company, Purple Butterfly Press – both dedicated to bringing stories of hope, inspiration, encouragement, and girl-power to the world.
Alan Baxter discusses A NEW ERA FOR NOVELLAS. He talks about:
• How the Novella Is a Fantastic Length for Genre Fiction
• Publishing Novellas Individually or as a Collection
• How eBooks Facilitate Shorter Novellas and Series
• How Short is Too Short?
• Advances from Traditional Publishers
• Publishing a Novella
Do any of those topics pique your interest? Check out my playlist 2 MINUTES OF INDY https://bit.ly/2MinutesOfIndy, where over the week following the airing of the episode, I post brief video clips from the interview on each of those topics! You can also catch up on some highlights of previous episodes there.
For a transcript of this interview and links to more information, go to https://www.theindyauthor.com/podcast.html.
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Alan Baxter is a British-Australian multi-award-winning author of horror, supernatural thrillers, and dark fantasy, with more than twenty books including novels, novellas, and short story collections. He’s also a whisky-soaked swear monkey and dog lover. He creates dark, weird stories among dairy paddocks on the beautiful south coast of New South Wales, Australia, where he lives with his wife, son, hound, and other creatures.
Asa Maria Bradley discusses THE VALUE OF COLLABORATION. She talks about being an active member of the author community; bringing joy to promotion; collaboration and accountability; expanding your skill set; saving a friendship with a contract; and the power of validation.
Do any of those topics pique your interest? Check out my YouTube playlist 2 MINUTES OF INDY https://bit.ly/2MinutesOfIndy, where over the week following the airing of the episode, I’ll be posting brief video clips from the interview on each of those topics! You can also catch up on some highlights of previous episodes there.
For a transcript of this interview and links to more information, go to https://www.theindyauthor.com/podcast.html.
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Bestselling Author Asa Maria Bradley grew up in Sweden surrounded by archaeology and history steeped in Norse mythology, which inspired her Viking Warriors and Norse Billionaire Shifters paranormal romance series. She also writes urban fantasy about empowered heroines who kick ass while saving the world. Her work has received the honors of a double nomination for the Romance Writers of America’s RITA contest, a Reviewers’ Choice Award nomination, a Holt Medallion win, and a Booksellers’ Best Award win. Asa came to the United States as a high school exchange student and now lives on a lake deep in the forest of the Pacific Northwest with a British husband and a rescue dog of an indeterminate breed. Sadly, neither obeys her commands.
This week on The Indy Author Podcast, Jennifer Hilt discusses TROPING YOUR WAY TO A STRONGER STORY. She talks about how tropes differ from clichés; whether tropes can turn into plagiarism; the role of conventions and reader expectations; using tropes to support goals, motivation, and conflict; tropes as a marketing device; and tropes as writing prompts.
For transcripts of interviews and links to more information, go to https://www.theindyauthor.com/podcast.html.
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Jennifer Hilt is the author of THE TROPE THESAURUS: TROPE YOUR WAY TO A STRONGER STORY. Her next book, THE TROPE THESAURUS ROMANCE, releases in June 2022. She is also the USA Today bestselling author of 24 books across four pen names. She loves collecting dictionaries in unfamiliar languages, bingeing Scandi-Noir streaming series, and shouting out tropes from the comfort of her couch. Jennifer lives in Seattle with my family and my canine fan club.
Susan Hatters Friedman, MD discusses MISTAKES WRITERS MAKE ABOUT FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY AND HOW TO AVOID THEM. She talks about the differences between forensic psychiatry and forensic psychology; the rules governing psychiatric confidentiality; the fact that forensic psychiatrists are not lie detectors; the depiction of competency versus sanity in fiction (and which is easier to argue in court); and lines a psychiatrist (at least a reputable one) wouldn't cross.
Do any of those topics pique your interest? Check out 2 MINUTES OF INDY https://bit.ly/2MinutesOfIndy, where over the week following the airing of the episode, you'll find brief video clips from the interview on each of those topics. You can also catch up on some highlights of previous episodes there.
For a transcript of this interview and links to more information, go to https://www.theindyauthor.com/podcast.html.
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Susan Hatters Friedman is a psychiatrist specializing in forensic psychiatry and maternal mental health. She currently serves as President of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law. Susan received the Manfred Guttmacher Award from the American Psychiatric Association for editing the book “Family Murder: Pathologies of Love and Hate.” She is pursuing a Masters in Crime Fiction at the University of Cambridge and has studied with The Second City, the world's premier comedy club, comedy theater, and school of improvisation. Her creative writing is found in “Hobart,” “Eclectica," and “Drunk Monkeys,” among others.
DeAnna Hart, co-author along with Mark Leslie Lefebvre of “Accounting for Authors: Financial Analysis, Budgeting, Costs, and Margin Made Simple,” discusses ROI FOR AUTHORS. She discusses the importance of not glossing over the costs of doing business as an indy author, allocating overhead costs to your titles, risk tolerance and risk capacity, valuing your time, looking for opportunities to free up your time for value-added work, and the best accounting tools for authors.
For transcripts of interviews and links to more information, go to https://www.theindyauthor.com/podcast.html.
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D.F. (DeAnna) Hart holds an MBA with Accounting concentration and has been working in accounting for over twenty-five years. When she’s not planning out how best to use her ‘day career’ background to help her fellow authors, she’s happily penning mysteries and thrillers as D.F. Hart, and contemporary and suspenseful romance as Faith Hart. DeAnna lives in Texas.
This week on The Indy Author Podcast, Michelle Glogovac discusses USING PODCASTS TO SUPPORT YOUR BOOK LAUNCH. She discusses defining your expert topic; researching podcast reach; personalizing your pitch; making it about the podcaster; following up (gently) on unanswered pitches; and repurposing content.
For a transcript of this interview and links to more information, go to https://bit.ly/TIAP137.
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Michelle Glogovac is THE Podcast Matchmaker, award-winning publicist, and host of the My Simplified Life podcast. After an 18-year career in corporate aviation, Michelle is changing the world, one voice at a time, by matching her clients with the perfect podcast hosts and teaching them how to share their story, vision, and expertise in impactful and powerful ways. She has coached 14,000 authors through the process of creating and launching a podcast book tour through the NonfictionWriters Association. Her own podcast is ranked in the top 2% globally with over 1,000 downloads per month. Michelle is the Founder and CEO of The MLG Collective and she resides in the BayArea.
Mark Coker, founder of Smashwords and Chief Strategy Officer at Draft2Digital, discusses LOOKING FORWARD IN INDY PUBLISHING. He discusses how platforms like Facebook are the new gatekeepers, the rise of subscription models (and why he likes Scribd), the importance of implementing best practices, why we should be excited about AI narration, and how indy authors are the future of publishing.
Do any of those topics pique your interest? Check out 2 MINUTES OF INDY https://bit.ly/2MinutesOfIndy, where over the week following the airing of the episode, you'll find brief video clips from the interview on each of those topics. You can also catch up on some highlights of previous episodes there.
For a transcript of this interview and links to more information, go to https://www.theindyauthor.com/podcast.html.
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Mark Coker serves as Chief Strategy Officer at Draft2Digital, the world’s leading publishing platform for indie authors. Mark is the founder of indie ebook pioneer Smashwords, which was acquired by Draft2Digital on March 1, 2022. Mark is an outspoken advocate for self-published authors, a former contributing columnist for Publishers Weekly, and the host of the SMART AUTHOR podcast where he teaches evergreen best practices to help authors publish ebooks with pride, professionalism, and success.
This week on The Indy Author Podcast, Kathy Meis talks about THE IMPORTANCE OF SPECIFICITY. She discusses the importance of having a goal for your content; how specificity narrows down your audience (and how specific keywords find specific audiences); how readers look for a familiar experience; the importance of acknowledging that your book is not for everyone; and how to connect with your target audience by building a relationship and by allowing them to sample your content.
Do any of those topics pique your interest? Check out 2 MINUTES OF INDY https://bit.ly/2MinutesOfIndy, where over the week following the airing of the episode, you'll find brief video clips from the interview on each of those topics. You can also catch up on some highlights of previous episodes there.
For a transcript of this interview and links to more information, go to https://www.theindyauthor.com/podcast.html.
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Kathy Meis is the founder and CEO of Bublish, a complete one-stop publishing solution for today’s independent author. With more than 30 years of experience in the media and publishing industries, Kathy has served in a wide variety of editorial and management positions at some of the industry’s leading companies. She has worked as a television reporter for CBS, was a founding editor of Forbes MediaCritic, and was a founding partner of PubSmart, an author-centric publishing conference held in Charleston, South Carolina. Kathy speaks and blogs regularly about book promotion, author branding, social marketing, and discoverability. She lives in Charleston, South Carolina.
This week on The Indy Author Podcast, Michaelbrent Collings talks about HOW HORROR IS THE GENRE OF HOPE. He discusses how horror externalizes right and wrong, using genre as a marketing tool, respecting audience expectations, pushing boundaries appropriately, the final effect of the story, and how art creates community.
Do any of those topics pique your interest? Check out 2 MINUTES OF INDY https://bit.ly/2MinutesOfIndy, where over the week following the airing of the episode, you'll find brief video clips from the interview on each of those topics. You can also catch up on some highlights of previous episodes there.
For a transcript of this interview and links to more information, go to https://www.theindyauthor.com/podcast.html.
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While he is best known for horror and was recently voted one of the top 100 Greatest All-Time Horror Writers in a Ranker poll of over 15,000 readers, Michaelbrent Collings has also written internationally-bestselling thriller, fantasy, science fiction, mystery, humor, young adult, and middle grade works, and romance. In addition to being a bestselling novelist, Michaelbrent is the only person who has ever been a finalist for a Bram Stoker Award, a Dragon Award, and a RONE Award, and he and his work have been reviewed and/or featured on everything from Publishers Weekly to "Scream Magazine" to NPR.
In this solo inbetweenisode of The Indy Author Podcast, I discuss CREATING AN AI-NARRATED AUDIOBOOK. I talk about Google Play's instructions for AI audio, tips for better AI narration, working around the AI-narration's quirks, selling beyond Google Play, and file names and ID3 tags.
Do any of those topics pique your interest? Check out 2 MINUTES OF INDY https://bit.ly/2MinutesOfIndy, where over the week following the airing of the episode, you'll find brief video clips from the interview on each of those topics. You can also catch up on some highlights of previous episodes there.
For a transcript of this interview and links to more information, go to https://www.theindyauthor.com/podcast.html.
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Matty Dalrymple podcasts, writes, speaks, and consults on the writing craft and the publishing voyage as The Indy Author. She is the host of THE INDY AUTHOR PODCAST and the author of THE INDY AUTHOR’S GUIDE TO PODCASTING FOR AUTHORS. She is also the co-author, along with Mark Leslie Lefebvre, of TAKING THE SHORT TACK: CREATING INCOME AND CONNECTING WITH READERS USING SHORT FICTION. Matty is a member of the Alliance of Independent Authors.
In this week's episode of The Indy Author Podcast, Jessie Kwak talks about the process of going FROM BIG IDEA TO BOOK. She discusses the importance enjoying the process, letting your mind be still, of “working the word mines,” balancing creativity and efficiency, and leaving yourself a breadcrumb trail.
Do any of those topics pique your interest? Check out my YouTube playlist 2 MINUTES OF INDY https://bit.ly/2MinutesOfIndy, where over the week following the airing of the episode, I’ll be posting brief video clips from the interview on each of those topics! You can also catch up on some highlights of previous episodes there.
For a transcript of this interview and links to more information, go to https://www.theindyauthor.com/podcast.html
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Jessie Kwak is the author of multiple science fiction series, a supernatural thriller, and productivity guides From Chaos to Creativity and From Big Idea to Book: Create a Writing Practice that Brings You Joy. When she’s not raving about her favorite books to her friends, she can be found sewing, mountain biking, or out exploring new worlds both at home and abroad. She lives in Portland, Oregon, with her husband and their house plant jungle.
Jeff Elkins, the Dialogue Doctor, discusses THE COLOR WHEEL OF CHARACTERIZATION. He discusses the building blocks of character voice, getting past physical description, the musicality of character voice, letting modulation happen, bolstering scene tone with character voice, and creating the emotional journey.
Do any of those topics pique your interest? Check out my new YouTube playlist 2 MINUTES OF INDY https://bit.ly/2MinutesOfIndy, where over the week following the airing of the episode, I’ll be posting brief video clips from the interview on each of those topics! You can also catch up on some highlights of previous episodes there.
For a transcript of this interview and links to more information, go to https://www.theindyauthor.com/podcast.html.
Did you find the information in this video useful? Please consider supporting my work at The Indy Author via Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/theindyauthor) or Buy Me a Coffee (https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mattydalrymple).
Jeff Elkins is a novelist, ghostwriter, and editor with more than 10 novels on the market. During the day, he leads the writing team for a company that simulates difficult conversations for professionals to practice. He also helps authors improve their dialogue to engage readers more fully through one-on-one consulting and through his podcast The Dialogue Doctor.
This week on The Indy Author Podcast, Dale L. Roberts of Self Publishing with Dale discusses OUTSOURCING YOUR CONTENT CREATION. He talks about trading money for time; crafting the idea; recency, consistency, and relevance; vetting ghostwriters; credit and responsibility; and considerations for content reuse.
Do any of those topics pique your interest? Check out my new YouTube playlist 2 MINUTES OF INDY https://bit.ly/2MinutesOfIndy, where over the week following the airing of the episode, I’ll be posting brief video clips from the interview on each of those topics! You can also catch up on some highlights of previous episodes there.
For a transcript of this interview and links to more information, go to https://www.theindyauthor.com/podcast.html.
Did you find the information in this video useful? Please consider supporting my work at The Indy Author via Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/theindyauthor) or Buy Me a Coffee (https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mattydalrymple).
Dale L. Roberts is a fitness author, video content creator, and self-publishing advocate. Voted by Feedspot among the Top 100 websites and Top 50 YouTube channels devoted to self-publishing, Dale has cemented his position as the go-to authority in the indie author community. Anyone who meets Dale for the first time will discover his enthusiasm and passion for business and life. When Dale isn’t publishing books, creating videos, and networking with business professionals, he loves to travel with his wife Kelli and spend time playing with his cat Izzie. He lives in Columbus, Ohio.
Mike Kuczala discusses how a sedentary lifestyle restricts not only our health but also our creativity; how to introduce movement into our lives; how we can combat the mindset that a more movement-oriented lifestyle is something we’ll do tomorrow; and (something that I was relieved to hear) the fact that walking is enough. Mike also shares how movement helped him transform his life, from tackling challenges that might otherwise have seemed insurmountable to overcoming the grief of his father’s death.
Do any of those topics pique your interest? Check out my new YouTube playlist, 2 Minutes of Indy (https://bit.ly/2MinutesOfIndy), where you can find a brief video clip from the interview on each of those topics!
For a transcript of this interview and links to more information, go to https://www.theindyauthor.com/podcast.html.
Did you find the information in this video useful? Please consider supporting my work at The Indy Author via Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/theindyauthor) or Buy Me a Coffee (https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mattydalrymple).
Mike Kuczala has delivered keynotes, given presentations, facilitated professional development, and taught graduate courses on 4 continents on his area of expertise: the importance of movement to health and creativity. He is the coauthor of THE KINESTHETIC CLASSROOM: TEACHING AND LEARNING THROUGH MOVEMENT, and the author of TRAINING IN MOTION: HOW TO USE MOVEMENT TO CREATE AN ENGAGING AND EFFECTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT and READY, SET, GO! THE KINESTHETIC CLASSROOM 2.0. His fourth book, THE PEAK PERFORMING TEACHER: 5 HABITS FOR SUCCESS, launched in February 2022.
Do any of those topics pique your interest? Check out my YouTube playlist, 2 Minutes of Indy (https://bit.ly/2MinutesOfIndy), where you can find a brief video clip from the interview on each of those topics!
For a transcript of this interview and links to more information, go to https://www.theindyauthor.com/podcast.html.
Did you find the information in this video useful? Please consider supporting my work at The Indy Author via Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/theindyauthor) or Buy Me a Coffee (https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mattydalrymple).
John Gaspard is author of the Eli Marks mystery series as well as four other stand-alone novels, "The Greyhound of the Baskervilles,” “A Christmas Carl,” "The Sword & Mr. Stone," and "The Ripperologists." He also writes the Como Lake Players mystery series, under the pen name Bobbie Raymond.
In real life, John’s not a magician, but he has directed six low-budget features that cost very little and made even less – that’s no small trick. He’s also written multiple books on the subject of low-budget filmmaking. Ironically, they’ve made more than the films. John lives in Minnesota and shares his home with his lovely wife, several dogs, a few cats and a handful of pet allergies.
Do any of those topics pique your interest? Check out my new YouTube playlist, 2 Minutes of Indy (https://bit.ly/2MinutesOfIndy), where you can find a brief video clip from the interview on each of those topics!
For a transcript of this interview and links to more information, go to https://www.theindyauthor.com/podcast.html.
Did you find the information in this video useful? Please consider supporting my work at The Indy Author via Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/theindyauthor) or Buy Me a Coffee (https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mattydalrymple).
Patrick Hoffman has been a private investigator for 17 years. He started his career in San Francisco as a private investigator before becoming an investigator in the homicide unit of the San Francisco Public Defender's office. For the last seven years he's been working on wrongful conviction cases for the New York civil rights firm, Neufeld, Scheck & Brustin. His first three crime thrillers have all been selected as top ten thrillers of the year by the Wall Street Journal, and his second book, EVERY MAN A MENACE was selected as a top ten crime thriller of the past decade by Crimereads. He lives in Brooklyn.
Michael La Ronn discusses ESTATE PLANNING FOR AUTHORS. He talks about making it easy for your heirs ... planning and managing your estate ... sharing passwords securely ... protecting against scammers ... and the first step to take.
For a transcript of this interview and links to more information, go to https://www.theindyauthor.com/podcast.html.
Did you find the information in this video useful? Please consider supporting my work at The Indy Author via Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/theindyauthor) or Buy Me a Coffee (https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mattydalrymple).
Michael La Ronn is the author of over forty science fiction & fantasy novels and self-help books for writers. He also runs the popular YouTube channel Author Level Up, where he publishes weekly advice videos for writers. Michael also serves on the staff of the Alliance of Independent Authors as a US Ambassador, and he co-hosts the AskAlli Member Q&A Podcast where he answers new writers’ most burning questions about self-publishing.
Bryan Collins discusses THE SEVEN MOST COMMON MISTAKES OF NON-FICTION AUTHORS … AND HOW TO AVOID THEM. He talks about writing different things at once ... not organizing the ideas ... waiting for passion or inspiration to strike ... writing only on the weekends ... writing and editing at the same time ... believing that working harder will make it happen ... and waiting until it's perfect
For a transcript of this interview and links to more information, go to https://www.theindyauthor.com/podcast.html.
Did you find the information in this video useful? Please consider supporting my work at The Indy Author via Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/theindyauthor) or Buy Me a Coffee (https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mattydalrymple).
After attempts at careers as a journalist and short story writer, Bryan Collins spent a year as a stay-at-home dad. Broke, lacking self-belief and feeling a lack of purpose, Bryan decided to go back into writing, but this time focused on learning skills like copywriting and content marketing. He launched ‘Become a Writer Today’ which has racked up millions of views, and has written for LIFEHACKER, FASTCOMPANY, COPYBLOGGER, and FORBES. He’s a podcaster and the author THE ART OF WRITING A NON-FICTION BOOK, THE POWER OF CREATIVITY, and YES, YOU CAN WRITE.
This week on The Indy Author Podcast, Tara Cremin of Kobo Writing Life discusses SUBSCRIPTION MODELS, including Kobo Plus. She talks about the rise of subscription models ... what sets subscription readers apart ... how authors get paid in subscription models, and why Kobo chose minutes read as the measure of reader engagement ... and Kobo's “globally local” approach. She also discusses how authors can reach libraries through Kobo.
Do any of those topics pique your interest? Check out my new YouTube playlist, 2 Minutes of Indy (https://bit.ly/2MinutesOfIndy), where you can find a brief video clip from the interview on each of those topics!
For a transcript of this interview and links to more information, go to https://www.theindyauthor.com/podcast.html.
Did you find the information in this video useful? Please consider supporting my work at The Indy Author via Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/theindyauthor) or Buy Me a Coffee (https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mattydalrymple).
Tara Cremin is the Director of Kobo Writing Life, Kobo’s independent publishing platform. As a subject matter expert in all aspects of indie publishing, her aim is to make KWL the greatest and most user-friendly self-publishing platform available, and she’s and always looking for ways for indies to reach a new audience of readers. Tara hosts KWL’s monthly live events with author and industry experts and you can sometimes hear her as a guest host on the Kobo Writing Life Podcast.