Ran Walker discusses what made him move from long-form fiction to short fiction, and specifically to drabbles, short stories of exactly 100 words; what platforms he uses to get his short fiction into readers’ hands; the benefits he has gained by building relationships with libraries; and his accidental success in France.
For a transcript of this interview and links to more information, go to https://www.theindyauthor.com/podcast.html.
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Ran Walker is the author of twenty-four books. His short stories, flash fiction, microfiction, and poetry have appeared in a variety of anthologies and journals. Before becoming a writer and educator, he worked in magazine publishing and practiced law in Mississippi. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Indie Author Project's 2019 National Indie Author of the Year Award, the 2019 Black Caucus of the American Library Association Best Fiction Ebook Award, the 2018 Virginia Indie Author Project Award for Adult Fiction, and the 2021 Blind Corner Afrofuturism Microfiction Contest. Ran is an Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing at Hampton University, is a contributor to Writer’s Digest, and teaches with Writer's Digest University. He lives in Virginia with his wife and daughter.