Michael La Ronn talks about his decision end his podcast THE WRITER’S JOURNEY. He discusses his original impetus for starting the podcast, the adjustments he made to it over time, and the personal and professional considerations that made him decide to bring that creative endeavor to an end. He discusses the benefits he gave up and the benefits he gained—and where he plans to redirect his creative energies.
For a transcript of this interview and links to more information, go to https://www.theindyauthor.com/podcast.html.
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Michael La Ronn is the author of over forty science fiction & fantasy novels and self-help books for writers. He also runs the popular YouTube channel, Author Level Up, where he publishes weekly advice videos for writers. Michael also serves on the staff of the Alliance of Independent Authors as a US Ambassador and he co-hosts the AskAlli Member Q&A Podcast where he answers new writers’ most burning questions about self-publishing.