
The Indy Author Podcast

Matty Dalrymple (DAL-rim-ple) podcasts, writes, speaks, and consults on the writing craft and the publishing voyage as The Indy Author. She has written books on the business of short fiction and podcasting for authors, and her articles have appeared in Writer’s Digest magazine. She is a member of the Alliance of Independent Authors. Matty is also the author of the Lizzy Ballard Thrillers, beginning with ROCK PAPER SCISSORS; the Ann Kinnear Suspense Novels, beginning with THE SENSE OF DEATH; and the Ann Kinnear Suspense Shorts, including CLOSE THESE EYES. She is a member of International Thriller Writers and Sisters in Crime.
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The Indy Author Podcast











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Sep 24, 2024

Matty Dalrymple talks with Dale L. Roberts about BOOK SPONSORSHIPS, based on his experience soliciting sponsors for his series of non-fiction books. We discuss the importance of matching sponsorships with your theme and brand; of reading the fine print in the terms and conditions of the platforms you will use to distribute your book; how he made the decision about where to place the ads and what reader response has been; the information you’ll need to pitch a potential sponsor, and the importance of asking “why” if you get a no. We also discuss some ways that fiction authors might pursue sponsorships for their books and whether sponsorships and crowdfunding is an either/or or a both/and proposition.


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Dale L. Roberts is a self-publishing advocate, award-winning author, and renowned video creator. With over 50 publications, he has become an authority in self-publishing, leading him to create his own YouTube channel, Self-Publishing with Dale, regarded as one of the premier information resources in the indie publishing community. Dale lives in Columbus, Ohio, with his wife Kelli and two rescue cats, Auggie and Allie.


Matty Dalrymple is the author of the Lizzy Ballard Thrillers, beginning with ROCK PAPER SCISSORS; the Ann Kinnear Suspense Novels, beginning with THE SENSE OF DEATH; and the Ann Kinnear Suspense Shorts. She is a member of International Thriller Writers and Sisters in Crime. Matty also writes, speaks, and consults on the writing craft and the publishing voyage, and shares what she’s learned on THE INDY AUTHOR PODCAST. She has written books on the business of short fiction and podcasting for authors; her articles have appeared in "Writer’s Digest" magazine. She serves as the Campaigns Manager for the Alliance of Independent Authors.


Sep 17, 2024

Matty Dalrymple talks with Nicholas Harvey about LESSONS FROM THE NOMADIC AUTHOR, including how Nick became a nomadic author, and how his lifestyle has opened out-of-the-box marketing opportunities for him to connect with his fans (here’s a teaser: it’s not even on land!). We discuss which came first, the book or the location, how to create a writing-friendly environment, the importance and challenges of building routine, and the vital importance of stepping away from the keyboard.


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A USA Today Bestselling author, Nicholas Harvey's life has been anything but ordinary. Race car driver, adventurer, divemaster, and since 2020, a full-time novelist. Raised in England, Nick has dual US and British citizenship and now lives nomadically wherever he and his amazing wife, Cheryl, choose to land for a few months. He is the author of the AJ Bailey Adventure and Nora Sommer Caribbean Suspense series, as well as multiple collaborations.


Matty Dalrymple is the author of the Lizzy Ballard Thrillers, beginning with ROCK PAPER SCISSORS; the Ann Kinnear Suspense Novels, beginning with THE SENSE OF DEATH; and the Ann Kinnear Suspense Shorts. She is a member of International Thriller Writers and Sisters in Crime. Matty also writes, speaks, and consults on the writing craft and the publishing voyage, and shares what she’s learned on THE INDY AUTHOR PODCAST. She has written books on the business of short fiction and podcasting for authors; her articles have appeared in "Writer’s Digest" magazine. She serves as the Campaigns Manager for the Alliance of Independent Authors.


Oct 17, 2023

Matty Dalrymple talks with Teel James Glenn about how he got his start as a stuntman and how "the will to push through" physical challenges enabled him to follow his dream; the different varieties of swords; the fact that your first service is to the story; how opponents will never be exactly equal; the fact that tough people don't pose; how to achieve a realistic portrayal of bladed weapon wounds and guidelines for realistic recovery times; and examples of  well-done current-day knife and sword fight movie scenes.

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Teel James Glenn has killed or been killed hundreds of times—on stage and screen—as he has traveled the world for forty-plus years as a stuntman, swordmaster, storyteller, bodyguard, actor, and haunted house barker. He is proud to have studied sword under Errol Flynn’s last stunt double, and has made hundreds of appearances in Renaissance festivals, soap operas, and feature films, including having been beaten up by Hawk on the Spenser for Hire TV show. He has also published dozens of novels, and his poetry and stories have been printed in over two hundred magazines including Weird Tales, Mystery, Pulp Adventures, and more. His novel A COWBOY IN CARPATHIA: A BOB HOWARD ADVENTURE won best novel 2021 in the Pulp Factory Award. He is also the winner of the 2012 Pulp Ark Award for Best Author.

Matty Dalrymple is the author of the Lizzy Ballard Thrillers, beginning with ROCK PAPER SCISSORS; the Ann Kinnear Suspense Novels, beginning with THE SENSE OF DEATH; and the Ann Kinnear Suspense Shorts. She is a member of International Thriller Writers and Sisters in Crime. Matty also writes, speaks, and consults on the writing craft and the publishing voyage, and shares what she’s learned on THE INDY AUTHOR PODCAST. She has written books on the business of short fiction and podcasting for authors; her articles have appeared in "Writer’s Digest" magazine. She is a member of the Alliance of Independent Authors.

Aug 1, 2023

Matty Dalrymple talks with Michael Evans about REAM AND THE CREATOR ECONOMY, including the move toward niche audiences and community building; providing an immersive experience; building your mini Disney; the importance of not ignoring the non-paying members of your community; the fact that you don't need to launch the perfect subscription; divorcing value from quantity; monetizing short fiction and bonus content; the creative stress of subscription models; and the advice to start small and start small again. Michael’s new company, Ream, is a subscription platform, but there are plenty of insights here for writers who are not currently interested in pursuing subscriptions.

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Michael Evans is the co-founder and CEO of Ream, the subscription platform by fiction authors for fiction authors, a sci-fi thriller author of a dozen novels, and a rising senior at Harvard.

Matty Dalrymple is the author of the Lizzy Ballard Thrillers, beginning with ROCK PAPER SCISSORS; the Ann Kinnear Suspense Novels, beginning with THE SENSE OF DEATH; and the Ann Kinnear Suspense Shorts. She is a member of International Thriller Writers and Sisters in Crime. Matty also writes, speaks, and consults on the writing craft and the publishing voyage, and shares what she’s learned on THE INDY AUTHOR PODCAST. She has written books on the business of short fiction and podcasting for authors; her articles have appeared in "Writer’s Digest" magazine. She is a member of the Alliance of Independent Authors.

Jul 25, 2023

Matty Dalrymple talks with Merle Saferstein about THE TRANSFORMATIVE POWER OF JOURNALING, including overcoming mental barriers to journaling, and how revisiting your journals is optional; the importance of not censoring yourself, and of exploring your shadow self; using journaling to declutter your mind, and as a tool for character development; and preparing your armor for reader responses.

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As the director of educational outreach at the Holocaust Documentation and Education Center, Merle Saferstein worked closely with hundreds of Holocaust survivors helping them to pass along their Legacy of Remembrance to students and teachers. When she retired from the Holocaust Center, she developed a course entitled Living and Leaving Your Legacy®. Merle is a council member of the International Association of Journal Writing, the author of ROOM 732, and a contributor to the Huffington Post, Medium, Authority Magazine, and Thrive Global.

Matty Dalrymple is the author of the Lizzy Ballard Thrillers, beginning with ROCK PAPER SCISSORS; the Ann Kinnear Suspense Novels, beginning with THE SENSE OF DEATH; and the Ann Kinnear Suspense Shorts. She is a member of International Thriller Writers and Sisters in Crime. Matty also writes, speaks, and consults on the writing craft and the publishing voyage, and shares what she’s learned on THE INDY AUTHOR PODCAST. She has written books on the business of short fiction and podcasting for authors; her articles have appeared in "Writer’s Digest" magazine. She is a member of the Alliance of Independent Authors.

Apr 18, 2023

Matty Dalrymple talks with Lisa Regan about HOW TO SUCCEED WITH A SUPER-LONG SERIES, including how to plan character development, building your team of characters, the plausibility pact with readers, the pros and cons of a fictional location, keeping readers engaged, and how to maintain your interest as a series author.

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Lisa Regan is the USA Today & Wall Street Journal bestselling author of the Detective Josie Quinn series as well as several other crime fiction titles. She has a bachelor’s degree in English and a Master of Education degree from Bloomsburg University. She is a member of Sisters in Crime, International Thriller Writers, Crime Writers Association, and Mystery Writers of America. And she lives outside Philadelphia with her husband, daughter and Boston Terrier named Mr. Phillip.

Lisa previously appeared on the podcast in Episode 016 - Drawing Back the Publishing Curtain with Lisa Regan

Apr 11, 2023

Matty Dalrymple talks with Claire Taylor about ENNEAGRAM AND YOUR AUTHOR CAREER, including what Enneagram is and how authors can benefit creatively and business-wise from learning about their type; the importance of understanding three key motivators: what you want your writing to do for you, what you want your writing to do for others, and what you want your money to do for you; understanding the fears and desires of your type; what Enneagram types do well—and not well—with rapid release; and if and how Enneagram types impact the choice of indy versus traditional.

If one of those topics piques your interest, you can easily jump to that section of the interview by going to The Indy Author on YouTube and clicking on the flagged timestamps in the video description at 

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Claire Taylor is a humor and mystery author, an Enneagram consultant for creatives, and the owner of FFS Media. She loves making people laugh and helping authors build a personalized career that is as unique as they are. Through FFS Media, she offers masterclasses, workshops, courses, and consulting on both author life and storytelling. She writes as H. Claire Taylor (humor), Brock Bloodworth (urban fantasy), Nova Nelson (paranormal cozy mystery), and Claire Feeney (crime fiction).

Apr 4, 2023

Matty Dalrymple talks with John Gaspard about THE TOP 6 LESSONS NOVELISTS CAN LEARN FROM MOVIES, including the importance of staying in your lane, being completely committed, coming in late and leaving early, callbacks (or reaping what you’ve sown), getting notes (or working with beta readers), and not hesitating to hesitate.

If one of those topics piques your interest, you can easily jump to that section of the interview by going to The Indy Author on YouTube and clicking on the flagged timestamps in the video description.

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John Gaspard is author of the Eli Marks mystery series, the Como Lake Players mystery series, and four stand-alone novels. He hosts two podcasts: "Behind the Page: The Eli Marks Podcast," and "The Occasional Film Podcast.” John has directed six low-budget features that cost very little and made even less. John’s latest book is “The Popcorn Principles: A Novelists Guide to Learning from Movies.”

John was previously a guest in:
Episode 145 - Speech to Text and Back Again with John Gaspard
Episode 128 - Lessons from Filmmaking for the Indy Author with John Gaspard (focused on the business side of authorship)

Mar 21, 2023

Shane Millar talks about HOW TO BE A WRITER IF YOU HATE WRITING, including diagnosing a dislike of drafting; whether first drafting quickly is a problem; tips for fleshing out setting and characters, including getting to know your characters in your first book and the advantage of continuing characters in a series; the benefit of learning story structure; the danger of too much study and not enough practice; and the markers of a writer's true goals.

If one of those topics piques your interest, you can easily jump to that section of the interview by going to The Indy Author on YouTube and clicking on the flagged timestamps in the video description.

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Shane Millar is a Fictionary Certified Story Coach and the author of the Write Better Fiction craft guides. He is also the author of the Myth & Magic urban fantasy thriller series (writing as S. W. Millar), and a co-host on the Storytellers Faceoff Podcast. Shane holds a BA in journalism and is a member of The Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi). He lives in Buckinghamshire, England and is obsessed with the writing craft, mythology, personal development, food, and martial arts movies.

Mar 14, 2023

Author Leslye Penelope talks about FROM INDY TO TRAD TO HYBRID, including being an indy author approached by a traditional publisher (and how that’s the exception, not the rule); what changed with her traditionally published release and what stayed the same; publisher and author rights; partnering with one's traditional publisher; backlist books and traditional publishing; the idea that trad publishers' customers are bookstores, not readers; assessing fit for indy or traditional per book; and choosing your publishing path.

If one of those topics piques your interest, you can easily jump to that section of the interview by going to and clicking on the flagged timestamps in the video description.

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Leslye Penelope has been writing since she could hold a pen and loves getting lost in the worlds in her head. She is an award-winning fantasy and paranormal romance author. Her novel SONG OF BLOOD & STONE was chosen as one of TIME Magazine's 100 Best Fantasy Books of All Time. Equally left- and right-brained, she studied filmmaking and computer science in college and sometimes dreams in HTML. She hosts the My Imaginary Friends podcast and lives in Maryland with her husband and furry dependents.

Oct 25, 2022

Jane Friedman talks about LITERARY CITIZENSHIP ... OR A RISING TIDE RAISES ALL BOATS. We discuss what literary citizenship is, literary citizenship on social media, conveying your identity as an author, the power of repetition, taking a strategic approach, and the importance of authenticity.

Do any of those topics pique your interest? Check out 2 MINUTES OF INDY, where over the week following the airing of the episode, you'll find brief video clips from the interview on each of those topics. You can also catch up on some highlights of previous episodes there.

Transcript and show notes at

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Jane Friedman has 20 years of experience in the publishing industry, with expertise in business strategy for authors and publishers. She’s the editor of THE HOT SHEET, the essential industry newsletter for authors, and has previously worked for Writer’s Digest and the Virginia Quarterly Review. In 2019, Jane was awarded Publishing Commentator of the Year by Digital Book World; her newsletter was awarded Media Outlet of the Year in 2020. Jane’s latest book is THE BUSINESS OF BEING A WRITER, which received a starred review from Library Journal. She is also the author of THE AUTHORS GUILD GUIDE TO SELF-PUBLISHING.

Apr 3, 2020

Mark Leslie Lefebvre brings over a quarter century of experience in the writing, publishing, and bookselling worlds to provide insights and strategies for how authors can benefit from developing relationships with libraries and bookstores and can in turn bring benefit to those organizations.

Mar 25, 2020

Jane Gorman, author of the Adam Kaminski mystery series, and I discuss two primary components of a successful book cover--the cover image and the title--and provide best practices and advice on avoiding common pitfalls.

Feb 26, 2020

USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author Lisa Regan shares the details of her voyage through the traditional and indy publishing worlds, and shares some great advice for making a success of both.

Feb 9, 2020

Wendy Tyson, bestselling author of three mystery series, shares her lessons on "Five Things I Wish I Knew Before I Was Published."

Jan 30, 2020

Mark Lefebvre, my co-author on “Taking the Short Tack: Creating Income and Connecting with Readers Using Short Fiction,” discuss the collaboration process and the messages of the book.

Jan 13, 2020

This episode’s topic takes a cue from the name of one of Jane’s series—Writing in Time—because the topics of many of Jane’s books are closely tied to a specific time and an event of that time. We discuss the research Jane did on those topics, and what she found.

Nov 28, 2019

Master Sergeant Chris Grall (U.S. Army, ret.)  has 26 years
of military experience and over 15 years of Instructor
experience dealing with Law Enforcement topics. Chris
has served on a U.S. Army Special Forces Operational
Detachment Alpha as an Engineer Sergeant, Intelligence
Sergeant, and Operations (Team) Sergeant. Before that he
served in a Long Range Surveillance Detachment and an
Infantry Unit. Chris is currently working as a government
contractor and offers subject matter expertise to authors
through his consulting company, TactiQuill.

Mar 5, 2018

Ken Lozito discusses his decision to write full-time, and provides advice to others considering that change.

Feb 6, 2018

Matty Dalrymple, The Indy Author, discusses the first Lizzy Ballard Thriller, “Rock Paper Scissors,” the evolution of characters across multiple books, and how to juggle writing with a day job.

Apr 10, 2017

Tony Conaway has been a published writer since 1990. He has written dozens of nonfiction articles for venues as varied as airline in-flight magazines, business publications, men’s magazines, and medical publications.

These days, he is concentrating on his fiction writing. At present, he has had over thirty short stories published, some of which have been collected in seven anthologies. His fiction spans a wide variety of genres, including serious fiction, science fiction, mystery and noir, historical fiction, and humor. His odder writing gigs include writing someone else's memoir, a script for a planetarium show, and co-writing jokes performed by Jay Leno on "The Toni

His fiction spans a wide variety of genres, including serious fiction, science fiction, mystery and noir, historical fiction, and humor. His odder writing gigs include writing someone else's memoir, a script for a planetarium show, and co-writing jokes performed by Jay Leno on "The Toni

Jan 24, 2017

Robert Blake Whitehill is the award-winning author of the bestselling Ben Blackshaw series, which is available in English and German. He's the winner of the Hamptons International Film Festival and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Screenwriting Fellowship for Unexploded Ordnance and the Hudson Valley Film Festival for Blue Rinse, and was a finalist at the Telluride IndieFest for Blue Rinse. He's a proud native of Maryland's Eastern Shore and now lives in New Jersey with his family.

Dec 24, 2016

Alexandra Amor is the award-winning author of a memoir about the 10 years she spent in a cult in the 1990s, as well as several mystery novels for both adults and children.

She’s an Author Mindset Mentor, helping new, nervous, and stuck writers get out of their own way and get their writing out into the world.
Nov 28, 2016

Jim Breslin is the author of Shoplandia, a humorous novel about the working lives of show hosts, producers, and crew at a home shopping channel, which was inspired by Jim's seventeen years as a television producer at QVC, and which was called "a raucous novel" by Huffington Post Books.

His short story collection, Elephant, came out in 2011. Jim's short fiction has appeared in Schuylkill Valley Journal, Molotov Cocktail, Turk's Head Review, and other journals. He has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and was the writer in residence at Elizabethtown College in the summer of 2014.

His micro-publishing project, Oermead Press, has also published two anthologies, West Chester Story Slam - Selected Stories and Chester County Fiction, and a poetry chapbook, Exit Pursued by a Bear by Virginia Beards.

Jim is the founder of the West Chester Story Slam and the co-founder of the Lancaster Story Slam

Nov 5, 2016

Andy Schön holds degrees in philosophy and computer science from Columbia University and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He is also a graduate of New York Film Academy, and has studied photography at the Rhode Island School of Design.

Andy is the author of Fifteen Times Around the World: A Lion Bit me in Zimbabwe and Other Travel Adventures, and also collaborated with poet Cat Mahony on the book In Knots.
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